
My Inspiration

Red light...Green light....Red light....GREEN LIGHT!

Inspired by my husband, I have now started this blog.
He lives what I refer to as
"The Green Light Lifestyle"

Green means go, as we learned in kindergarten.

Oz is a go-er. He goes goes goes. At first this annoyed me
- and to be honest sometimes still does -
but more it inspires me.

Very rarely does anything STOP him.

Whether it's a challenging coworker, an exciting business venture, a crazy new sport/hobby, making new friends while keeping old ones, splurging on new toys...and more new toys...and more....
ok well, whatever it is...
He goes. He does.

He lives.

He commutes through life catching all the Green lights.

I want this too.

Now the realist in me knows there may be some obstacles along the way, but if I'm patient long enough
the light will eventually turn Green again
implying "GO"

Ok ok, well here I GO, with my new blog.

My quest is mainly to blog about random life experiences with a
"go for it"

Whatever IT may be. :)

Not sure where it will lead, but hopefully you'll enjoy the ride too.

Thanks, hon, for your inspiration!


  1. Canim,

    This is so nice.. Well.. you are one of the reasons he lives the Green Life Style.. I am sure I am going to enjoy the ride with you on this journey... Love you...

  2. yay! way to GO for it. Debora and I will definitely be following along as you go.
